Inguinal laparoscopic hernia surgery- why do patients need it?


Before answering this question let’s find out ‘what’ and ‘why’ about inguinal hernia.

What is Inguinal Hernia?

At the lower sections of your abdomen, a canal known as the inguinal canal is located. Sometimes due to some reasons tissue near the canal weakens. A hernia occurs when an organ, generally small intestine protrudes through this canal. On the outside, this can be seen in the form of a bulge in the groin area. In males, it can be at either or both sides of the scrotum. This bulge can be quite painful and many times may also produce the sensation of burning. It is much more common in males when compared to females. One out of every five men suffers from this at one or another point in their lives.

Types of Inguinal Hernia

Indirect Inguinal Hernia is present since birth. It occurs when the inguinal canal does not close at the time of fetal development. This leaves a possibility for organs to protrude at any time. This type of hernia is common in children.

Direct Inguinal Hernia is a condition that is exclusive to adults. It occurs when the organ protrusion occurs because of the weakened abdominal tissue.


So now we know what inguinal hernia is. Now let’s move on to the portion where we get to know if we have a hernia or not.

  • The bulge in the groin region is a strong indication of an inguinal hernia. This round lump may develop over some time or even suddenly. This bulge would disappear when you lie down.
  • You may also be experiencing sharp pain, nausea, and vomiting. This indicates that a portion of your intestine is what has protruded through.
  • In the region of hernia, you also would experience a feeling of heaviness, tugging, pressure, and burning sensation.
  • After doing strenuous activity for even a short period you would notice your body getting very weak. You would also experience growing discomfort because of increased pressure in your abdomen and groin region.
  • The area of hernia keeps on getting tenderer with every passing day. All this is accompanied by burning and gurgling feeling.
  • If the hernia is not treated it increases in size. it is also possible that the intestine does not revert and get strangulated and die because of the lack of blood supply.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms then there is a high chance of you suffering from inguinal hernia. The best way to get treated is through laparoscopic surgery. So now let’s discuss it in detail.

What is Laparoscopic surgery?

  • Inguinal hernia laparoscopy is just like any other laparoscopy; the only difference is the site. It’s a surgery done to repair the hernia. Let’s walk through the procedure so you know what to expect when you visit the doctor.
  • Firstly, you are put under general anesthesia.
  • Then the original operation starts with three incisions in the lower section of the abdomen. There are made near the site of protrusion for easy access.
  • Then the abdomen is inflated with harmless gases. This is done to provide more space for the surgeon to work in.
  • A tube-like structure with a camera at one end known as a laparoscope is inserted inside your incisions. The other end is connected to the monitor where everything is seen.
  • By viewing the screen surgeon inserts other instruments. Then he pushes the protruding organ back to its place.
  • After placing the organ back a synthetic mesh is applied at the canal to avoid reoccurrence.
  • Then these incisions are sutured back and are left to heal.

Why laparoscopic hernia surgery?

Even after reading how easy and safe this procedure is, if you still have doubts then check out the list of merits it holds above others.

  • Faster recovery– after the operation you would find it easier and quicker to return to your life as there would be less to no discomfort present.
  • Aesthetic reasons– Small incisions are made during the operations. This leads to minimal tissue damage leading to minimum scarring. Although rare, if hernia reoccurs the same spots can be operated again leading to no new scars.
  • Solution in one go– Laparoscopy allows the surgeon a close-up view of all the surrounding areas. So if there are other weakened areas the mesh could be applied there too. This prevents having to undergo the knife again.
  • Multiple side coverage – It is easier to identify for hernia on the other side. And if it shows the possibility it is easy to patch it up without having any extra scars.
  • Safer procedure– As there is no large cut the chance of surgeon accidentally cutting your nervous and arterial supply to the genitals is at an all-time low.
  • General anesthesia is provided instead of localized or spinal anesthesia which helps in vowing a lot of consequences.

Inguinal hernia can be a very painful condition if not treated timely. Some people hesitate to approach the doctor because of the location of the disease. But know this; it will never get better without treatment. Although, an alternative method is present to heal this hernia. The laparoscopic method is by far the safest one present. Also, it decreases the recurring chances to almost zero. It provides the surgeon such a detailed view that any other chances of hernia formation are taken care of in one go.