Safety in the Swimming Pool


Even adults can drown in the pool, but kids are especially prone to the risk until they learn how to swim properly. If you plan to spend time in the pool or will be with your kids when they swim, proper pool safety is a must, even when a lifeguard is there. You can’t rely on a lifeguard to see everything, and it’s up to you to be safe too. Your skills are also valuable at the beach or near any body of water. Here’s what the experts say is important to know when it comes to pool safety.

Lifeguard On Duty

As mentioned above, it’s important to stay vigilant even when there is a lifeguard present. However, it’s also a good idea to choose a pool where a lifeguard is available. He or she is trained to notice a problem before it becomes devastating and is trained in CPR and lifesaving techniques should they be needed. If the pool you plan to swim in does not have a lifeguard, you may want to seek out a different one.

Never Swim Alone

This should go without saying, but it bears saying again. Swimming alone can end in tragedy, so never, ever head to the pool alone. Likewise, never let your kids swim in the pool without a buddy. If one person gets in trouble, the other can help get them out of the water and go for help. Without that person, death can occur.

Watch Your Kids

You should never, ever leave your kids unattended in the water. Even when there is a lifeguard at the pool, you should always be close enough to put your hands on your child at all times. During swimming lessons, you may be asked to get in the water and help your child to keep him safe and prevent something scary from happening. Many public pools don’t allow kids under a certain age to swim without a parent in reaching distance. Swimming lessons in Cypress TX are no exception, and child safety in the pool is always a priority.

Consider Life Jackets

Life jackets can save lives and there’s no reason why you can rely on one if your kids are beginners. It will give you peace of mind in the pool and allow them a bit more freedom to move around. You can’t substitute a life jacket for proper supervision, but they are definitely an added layer of safety that can make learning to swim easier for everyone involved. As a side note, if you’re near the ocean or on a boat, you should have your life jacket on at all times.

Know Emergency Procedures

The good thing about the public pool is that lifeguards can move into action if help is needed, but it’s also a good idea to learn emergency procedures yourself if your kids plan to be in the pool often or you want to use swimming as exercise. You should know where a telephone is in case you need to dial 911 and you should also take CPR classes so that you know what to do if someone needs assistance. No matter where you swim, whether it’s the pool or the beach, knowing CPR can save a life. The classes are offered in all cities and are affordable to take.

Proper Sun Safety

Part of swimming is being outdoors if your rec center does not have an indoor pool. That adds another layer of safety needs to your repertoire. The American Red Cross strongly encourages you to apply sunscreen to yourself and your children anytime you plan to be outside at the pool ( The sun shining off the surface of the water can intensify the rays of the sun, blasting you with UV that can cause a sunburn and skin cancer. It’s also important to reapply sunscreen every couple of hours to ensure all day protection.

Swimming safety is never something to take lightly, and swimming lessons in Cypress TX are always a good choice. You and your kids can learn how to swim in a safe environment that protects everyone in the water and promotes continued safety for families of all types.