How Can I Treat Abnormal Vaginal Discharge


Certain things about your body might seem unusual, but you should always know about them. Vaginal discharge is one such thing that is an extremely sensitive topic and needs more education on this topic.

Vaginal discharge plays a very important housekeeping function in the female reproductive system. The fluids inside the vagina carry dead cells and bacteria. This keeps the vagina clean and helps prevent any infection. Here is how to treat abnormal vaginal discharge and more about it:

What Causes Abnormal Discharge?
Usually, vaginal discharge is normal, and its amount varies on odour, a colour that could be clear or a little milky white, depending on your body. There would be more discharge when you’re ovulating, breastfeeding or sexually aroused.

However, you could be dealing with a different colour or smell, especially if you also have vaginal itching or burning; you could be dealing with an infection or other issues. Any change in the vagina’s balance of normal bacteria can feel different and give a different smell or colour.

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A few things that cause this discharge could be the use of Antibiotics or steroids or birth control pills or even Douches, scented soaps or lotions, bubble baths, and many such things also cause that.

Solutions To This

The first thing you need to do is visit your lady doctor near you and make sure you trust her and give her details about your medical conditions, how you are feeling, and the exact thing you have been noticing.

Tell her about the colour of the discharge and when it exactly began, also if you have any pain or itching around the vagina and all about your history and whatever other questions the doctor has for you. It would be best if you were completely honest about everything to get the right solution.

Here are a few things you can also do to prevent vaginal infections that lead to abnormal discharge:

Keep the vagina and that area clean by washing it with gentle soap and warm water on the outside. Do not put soap directly in the vagina.
Never use any scented soaps and such things there, and avoid sprays and bubble baths.
After going to the bathroom, always wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria from getting into the vagina and causing any issue or infection.

Wear soft cotton underpants and do not sleep with tight clothes on.
Always make sure you get your regular checkups done, so you are not very late at knowing what exactly is going on. Go to someone who’s experienced, so you get accurate results and make sure you give full information of your symptoms too.

There is so much more to the body, and to know details about it, regular checkups with your gynaecologists are a must-have. It might feel like a sensitive topic, but discussing it only will make you know more about it.