Application form for ICAR Exam


The Indian Council of Agriculture Research organizes an entrance exam which is known AIEEA that is All India Entrance Examination for Admission for all those candidates who want to take admission into various UG and PG courses in Agricultural Education fields. The Indian Council of
Agricultural Research has invited application forms for the admission in 2017. The exam is scheduled in the month of May, 2017

Application Form

As per the official notification, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has already issued a notification that the candidates who all are interested to appear for the entrance exam those can submit their application forms through the official website of exam conducting authority before the last date.

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research is short form of ICAR which was established on 16th July, 1929. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research works under the department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare under Government of India. It provides admission to the various courses such as-

Agricultural Engineering, Crop Sciences, Horticultural Sciences, Natural Resource Management, Agricultural Education, Agricultural Extension, Knowledge Management, Administration, Finance and Animal Science and Fisheries Sciences

Education Qualification

For UG Courses- the candidates are required to have cleared 12th class with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology as the subjects from a recognized board

For PG courses- The candidates are required to have cleared graduate degree in Agricultural Engineering, Horticulture, Agriculture, Veterinary, forestry, etc

Age Limit

For PG courses-The candidate’s age should not be less than 19 years

For UG courses-The candidate’s age should be between 18 to 25 years

Application Fee

General, OBC candidates Rs. 600 Rs. 500
Reserved Categories Rs. 300 Rs. 250

How to apply

First of all, the candidate is required to visit the official website of exam conducting authority that is

There, the candidate is required to apply online for ICAR AIEEA 2017.After that, the candidate is required to fill all the required details which are asked about in the application form. Then, the candidate is required to upload all the needful documents. After this, the candidate is required to make the payment for the ICAR application form 2017. Then, the submission application form is done. At last, print out of the application form and confirmation page is taken for the future references

Important Dates

The application form starts from February 2017

Last date to apply for the application form falls in the last week of February 2017

Admit card will be made available in the 2nd week of April 2017

Exam will be conducted on 13th May 2017 and 14th May 2017 for UG courses and PG courses respectively

Result will be declared in the last week of May 2017


The result of the entrance exam will be declared in the last week of May 2017. Candidates can check their results on the official website of exam conducting authority as required.