A Comparison of Old Seo vs New Seo


After 2012 the industry of search engine optimization has changed a lot. After 2012 google started launching different quality updates to filter spammy and low quality websites from search results. To have an idea about how the seo changed in past few years first it is necessary to have a look on updates which google launched to filter low quality sites from search rankings.

Panda Update: This update was launched to filter low quality sites from search results which have low profile contents. This update was basically targeting contents of a site and it hit the site’s which were using plagiarized or auto spin contents. Google has launched different versions of this update and each version was about filtering low quality content pages from search results.

Penguin Update: This was the most strict and influential update by google. The aim of this update was to target sites with low quality backlink profiles. This update outranked sites which were using low quality backlinks to rank a site higher. The low quality backlinks include massive directory submission, book marketing, blog commenting and thin forum profiles. This update also targeted anchor text distribution structure. After penguin update it was become black hat practice to use keywords in anchor text on majority of backlinks.

After these google updates the seo game was changed thoroughly and seo experts had to come up with new seo strategies. Here is how the seo world changed after these updates.

On Page Optimization: After google panda update there was several things which got changed regarding to on page optimization. For example after this update using keyword on mass level became obsolete. Now its not necessary to use keyword several times in site contents. The word count on a webpage has also become an important factor for ranking. After this update now google prefer to rank pages which have more content. According to seo experts google ranks a page well which have more than 2k words of content.

Content Writing: After google quality updates the content writing strategies of seo experts were also changed. In past seo’s were focused on contents which were used to feed search engines only however after the google updates now it’s become necessary to write user oriented articles which can produce value for readers.

Link Building: The approach of link building was the main thing which got changed after google updates. Now google prefers earned links rather than spammy links like directories, bookmarks etc. Now google bots can differentiate between self-generated links and earned links and it gives more value to links which are earned because of the impressive content on the webpage.

These are the few things which were changed after google updates. Now the new seo approach is totally different than the old seo.  Now the seo has become more quality oriented and productive so if you are not generating contents which can generate value for readers or not connecting your site with relevant authority sites then you are not following new seo rules announced by google.

Author Bio: This article is published by Sara Jim who is Digital Marketing manager at Bissmik which is one of the most reliable seo companies in UAE.