What Should I Put on a Business Card?


You must have come across the word “business card” innumerable times. But are you familiar with what it is, and what’s the purpose of having one of these cards? 

Well, Business Cards are the customized cards providing necessary information about you and your organization. It helps you connect with your prospects easily and directly. 

Thus, if you are looking for a way to design handyman cards, here are a few things you should include in your card to make it attractive and informative:

1) Name of the company or organization

Including the name of the organization is essential when it comes to designing a business card. It must be the most prominent information since the company’s name is what publicizes your brand and helps you establish your name in the global market.

2) Name and Designation

It is not always mandatory to include your name or your job description on the card. However, it adds a personalized touch and makes your clients appreciate your direct assistance. Instead of going through a whole chain of people, they can manage and communicate with you instantaneously if there arises a task based on your area of expertise.

3) Logo and Tagline

Logos and Taglines play a vital role in advertising your company. The best taglines and logos are the ones that are catchy, brief, and explains the agenda of your firm.

4) Contact Details

The entire purpose of business cards is to make it easier for clients to contact you when they require your services or your assistance. For that, you need to provide the relevant contact details on your business cards, the most important of which are your phone number and working email address. 

On the other hand, mentioning a general helpline or an email address might negatively influence your relationship with your prospect as processing through these computerized domains can be time-consuming.

5) Address

This forms yet another salient feature of a custom-designed handyman card. However, this heavily depends upon the nature of your work. For instance, working as a freelancer does not require you to feed your address on the cards, whereas working under the name of a company makes it a necessity to include the whereabouts of your workplace. Moreover, mentioning a mailing address on your card will strengthen its purpose.

6) Social Media

These days, social media platforms have emerged as the most effortless and straightforward approach to interface with the publicor your target audience. Therefore, you must mention all your social accounts on your card- be it LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. It will ultimately help your clients gain first-hand knowledge and research about your brand on the spot.

Final Words

More often than not, the attendees’ pockets flood with business cards when they leave a business event. And most of them get thrown away. So, if you want to make sure your card isn’t one of those, try to make it captivating with relevant information and not clutter. Therefore, it is essential to find yourself a business card shop that understands your bespoke needs and requirements and is ready to deliver a card that stands out.