What Are the Health Risks of Sleeping on a Bad Mattress & Not Getting Adequate Sleep?


Mattresses are not be used forever and they too, have a shelf-life. A mattress could be used for a maximum of eight to ten years as per Consumer Reports. This obviously, refers to only the premium or the high-end mattresses. Cheaper mattresses are not meant to be used beyond 8 years provided the mattress has been maintained well. Remember if you are going on using your old mattress beyond its shelf-life, you could be exposing yourself to some serious health risks.

As per https://www.elitedaily.com, “A good night’s sleep is critical for your wellbeing. For Americans, sleep matters so much, that six in 10 Americans crave sleep over sex. The quality of your sleep depends a lot on the quality of your mattress, which is something widely known and recognized by people, yet few actually do something to improve their mattresses.” Let us understand the health hazards of using an old, soiled, and sagging mattress.

It May Aggravate Your Allergies

You must know that mattresses are the breeding grounds for molds, bacteria, and dust mites. Over time, they end up collecting dead skin cells, dust mites, dust, and even sebum. The dust mites are microscopic organisms that enjoy feasting on the dead skin cells of humans. All these could trigger and even worsen allergies, asthma, eczema, sore throat, and lungs issues.

It May Trigger Acute Lower Back Pain

Mattresses are subject to wear and tear if they are used constantly for several years. Over time, they develop curves and dips with your body’s curvature. This is a reality if you are sleeping in the same posture in the same part of your bed every night. The bumps and lumps on your old mattress could trigger acute lower back pain and the issue could become chronic if you do not take proactive steps to replace your old mattress.

It May Cause Sleep Deprivation & Insomnia

When you are tossing and turning all night on your bed in your effort to fall asleep and yet does not get any sleep, you may be suffering from insomnia. Your old mattress may have become totally uncomfortable because of loss of firmness and sagging over time. If your mattress is responsible for sleep deprivation it is necessary to have your old mattress replaced by a new one that promises sound sleep due to perfect spine alignment, right firmness, and proper support. You must be aware that for maintaining good health and overall well-being, it is important to get a minimum of six hours sleep every night.

Sleep Deprivation or Insomnia & Associated Health Risks

Stroke & Heart Diseases Quite Common in Poor Sleepers

Sleep duration and quality could have a major impact on certain health risk factors. These factors are known to trigger and aggravate chronic diseases and that may include heart diseases and even stroke. People who are used to getting their full quota of 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night are less likely to encounter health risks such as strokes or heart diseases.

Type 2 Diabetes & Lack of Sleep

Sleep impacts glucose metabolism and may trigger Type 2 diabetes. In a study, some young individuals were allowed only 4 hours of sleep every night for six days consecutively. Inadequate sleep caused distinct symptoms of prediabetes. All these symptoms subsided once sleep duration was increased. Poor sleep habits of getting less than 6 hours of shut-eye every night have demonstrated repeatedly a boost in type 2 diabetes risk.


Poor sleeping patterns actually are associated with depression. Getting eight hours of sound sleep every night might help in boosting your immune function and combating the common cold. You must realize that with proper exercise and nutrition, adequate sleep is a pillar of good health.