UPSC Syllabus and Subjects in UPSC


Here you’ll find the complete information about the UPSC Syllabus and Subjects. The Civil Services examination is considered to be the toughest examination and is the most prestigious examination in India. Understand the UPSC exam with its syllabus and subjects which eliminates you from the wasteful efforts like investing time in unnecessary topics and subjects. You can also find the UPSC Examination Syllabus on the official website.

There is a common exam pattern that is followed in the UPSC examination for services such as Indian Administrative, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Police Service, Indian Revenue Service, etc. Different stages of exams have a different syllabus. The UPSC Preliminary Syllabus focuses on general and societal awareness which is test by Multiple Type Questions. The UPSC Mains is much more comprehensive as the stage comprises nine theoretical papers.

The Civil Services Examination is conducted in Three Phases:

  • Civil Services Preliminary Examination
  • Civil Services Mains Examination
  • Personal Interview

Phase 1: Civil Services Preliminary Examination with 2 components

Paper Subjects Total Marks Duration
I General Studies 200 2 Hours
II CSAT 200 2 Hours

 Broadly Civil Services Examination consists of 2 papers of objective type, each consists of 200 marks and you will be given 2 hours duration. For qualifying the paper one has to attempt both the papers.

UPSC General Studies paper consists of 100 questions, while CSAT paper consists of 80 questions. The papers do have negative marking.

UPSC Prelims Syllabus

  1. Syllabus for GS Paper (Paper I)
  • Current Events of National and International importance
  • History of India and Indian National Movement
  • Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of Indian and the World.
  • Indian Governance
  • Economic and Social Development
  • General Issues on Environment Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Changes
  1. Syllabus for CSAT Papers (Paper-II)
  • Comprehension
  • Interpersonal Skills including Communication Skills
  • Logical reasoning and analytical skills
  • Decision making and problem-solving
  • General Mental Ability
  • Basic Numeracy

Phase 2: UPSC Mains Exam (1750 Marks)

  • The mains examination has 2 phases in the Civil Services Examination. After qualifying the Pre-exam candidates should start be preparing for IAS Exams.
  • The mains test the candidate’s academic talent in-depth and the candidate’s ability to present the understanding according to the requirements of the question in the time-bound matter.
  • The Mains Exam consists of 9 Papers, out of which two are qualifying papers of 300 each
  • The two qualifying papers are Any Indian Language and English Language Paper.
  • The papers on Essay, General Studies and Optional Subjects to the only candidates who have attained more than 25% in both the languages paper as a minimum qualifying standard in these qualifying papers, will be taken cognizance of, for evaluation.

Structure for the Languages Paper:

  • Essay- 100 Marks
  • Reading Comprehension- 60 Marks
  • Precise Writing- 60 Marks
  • Translation: English to Hindi (20 Marks), Compulsory Language to English (20 Marks), and Grammar and Basic Language usage (40 Marks)

UPSC Mains Syllabus:

Paper Subjects Marks
I Essay 250
II General Studies-I (Indian Heritage & Culture, History &Geography of the World and Society) 250
III General Studies-II (Constitution) 250
IV General Studies-III (Technology, Economic Development, Biodiversity, Security and Disaster Management) 250
V General Studies-IV (Ethics, Integrity and Attitude) 250
VI Optional 250
VII Optional 250

You can check the official website for the Optional Subjects.

Phase 3: IAS Interview/UPSC Personality Test (275 Marks)

  • Candidates who have qualified the UPSC Exam will be further called for the Personality Test that will be the Interview round. The candidates will be interviewed by a Board Appointed by UPSC.
  • The objective of the Interview is to assess the personality of the candidates along with the knowledge.
  • The interview test is of 275 Marks and total marks for the written examination will be 1750. 
  • The Grand Total will be 2025 marks based on which the merit list will be prepared.