Did You Know Concrete Contractors Work with Green Products?


Concrete contractors have worked with concrete for years but most people don’t know that concrete is a green product. Its versatile applications and durable nature have made its usage omnipresent throughout all cities in the world. As environmental laws call for more green technologies, stakeholders within the construction industry are in a constant search for new solutions that are environmentally friendly. Since concrete is a commonly used material, most people are wondering if it is a “green” product or not!

Fortunately, you do not have to carry out in-depth searches to know whether concrete is among the reputable materials that meet the demand of most “green” buildings. One of the latest reports from some of the most reliable sources shows that concrete is a great friend of the environment in all spheres of its lifespan, from raw material, production, to demolition, thus qualifying it to be one of the natural choices for sustainable and green home construction. Well, there are many reasons justifying this fact, but this article addresses only a few of them.

1). Concrete that is used by contractors is made from renewable resources

Have you ever wondered what ingredients are used to manufacture concrete? Perhaps not, and if that the case, please take a few minutes to expand your knowledge! A concrete slab is made of popular raw materials, which are often prevalent in most parts of the world. It includes natural rock, cement, sand, and water –most of which are green renewable sources. Without further clarification, concrete is a green product!

2). Utilizes waste or recycled materials

Did you know that concrete slabs are made by using waste or recycled materials, which ultimately reduces the consumption of the finest raw materials and helps to lower the amount of waste that goes into our landfills? Yes, that is the truth of the matter, if you are thinking from the point of having a green product for building and construction. Power plants byproducts such as slag, fly ash, silica fume, and much more often replace a portion of cement used to make solid concrete. That is not enough though; cracked or demolished concrete structures can be recycled as an aggregate in new concrete batches, which can be used during building renovations or for shoreline and roadbed protection. Since any recyclable product is considered environmentally friendly, it, therefore, implies that concrete is a green product.

3). It is energy efficient through its high light reflectivity

Any building with exterior concrete slabs can be considered as energy efficient. Despite the fact that concrete offers little insulation, it creates a better thermal mass that stores cold or warmth for an extended period of time, thus reducing interior temperature fluctuations. If painted white, concrete can ultimately reflect light and heat, which mitigate heat island effects. The overall effect is that it helps reduce cooling and heating costs by up to thirty percent.

4). It lasts longer

Concrete is the kind of building material that was used to build the infamous Roman Empire. This is because it is highly resistant to cooling and heating. It is also impermeable to wind-driven rainfall and air. It is inedible, which means vermin and bugs cannot feast on it. This durability implies that any building constructed from concrete can preserve its exterior and foundation for many decades. Clearly, concrete surfaces are not resurfaced or replaced very often, and so, fewer materials are used up over the lifetime of a given structure.

5). Concrete can be recycled

Did you know that most concrete contractors actually recycle the concrete slabs they have to tear down? Yes, that is true, but it does not stop there! What happens when a concrete structure has completed its service life? Well, you can replace the structure by crushing and recycling the old concrete. The materials that you get from the recycled concrete can be used as filler on the base of the new structure or an aggregate of the new concrete. It goes without further clarification that any building materials that can be recycled after they are no longer useful can be termed as a green product.

Now you know that concrete can be considered as one of the green products in the building and construction industry. Besides being made from locally available ingredients, it can last longer and help save homeowners hundreds of thousands of dollars in energy bills.