Different Gloves and Their Importances

Gloves and Their Importances

Working without an appropriate hand protection can lead to mishaps like a chemical reaction, cuts and burns.  There are no gloves made to protect us from all these mishaps. The hand protection gloves are made specifically for protecting only one mishap at a time. We need to analyze the situation and place of work, the major risk involved in it and then select the gloves so that we can stay protected from any unfortunate incident. Some of these incidents are even fatal.

A proper choice of gloves will help us from any fatal accidents also. Hand protection requires gloves that are made from leather, cotton, synthetics, Nitrile, latex, PVC and even the combinations of these for better protection. Our hands play a major role in working, sense of touch and also communication. Presently at any workplace the hand is the main point of contact for any accidents or mishaps. Hand gloves are designed by highly experienced companies for guiding their customers with the various options. They also design the gloves as per customer specification to protect the hands from any mishaps. As per the National Safety Council, here http://florack.us  are different types of gloves designed particularly for a particular work.

Let us start with the first one – Cotton and Fabric Gloves. This is used to keep hands from getting dirty and protect the skin from any damage. This glove cannot handle the difficult work like managing hard, rough and sharp items. The next one is Coated Fabric Gloves which help us to prevent the hands from any reaction against the less concentrated chemicals.  Most these gloves are used in the laboratory where the chemicals used are less concentrated. Now we will discuss about another type which is Rubber-plastic and synthetic gloves. It is mainly used for cleaning or any work that requires oils and other chemicals to be handled. Next is the Leather Gloves which are used during wielding as it can protect us from the sparks and also the heat emitted out during welding will also not affect the hands. It also keeps the hands safe from cuts and any damage to the skin.

The other type is Aluminized Gloves which normally is used in welding and work done at furnace as these gloves are reflective and also protects from the insulating heat. Kevlar gloves are one more type which helps to protect from heat and cold and also protects from cuts and skin damages. Here blognetic.com are some varieties of chemical or liquid resistant gloves, which are designed for specific protection from chemicals or liquids. They are as follows Butyl rubber gloves, Natural and rubber gloves, Neoprene gloves, Nitrile rubber gloves. All these gloves are used to protect the hands from dangerous acids and liquids. The tips mentioned above are just the basic ones. Some companies design the gloves as per the customer specification also. The gloves a vital role while working with hazardous and dangerous chemicals. The proper choice of gloves will help us stay safe and also complete the work without any hassles.