Art Preserving Tips for Antique Indian Paintings


There is something so charming and alluring about traditional Indian paintings. As they have originated from the land of culture and art, the delight of having these is incomparable. Available in different genres and sizes, Indian art items can be treasured for a lifetime. As art is an investment piece, a lot of money goes into Botto purchasing a quality item. This makes it even more important to preserve them in order to extend their life. When a huge sum of money is spent on acquiring an art piece, the last thing an owner wants is for it to deteriorate. In order for the painting to stand the test of time, it becomes very important to take crucial steps towards preserving it so that it’s able to face the blow of general wear and tear. This article will provide you with four easy tips, the proper adherence of which, can help you in keeping the beauty of Indian paintings intact.

indian paintings

  • Say no to sunlight:
    UV rays aren’t just harmful for the humans, but are equally destructive for the paintings as well. Direct exposure to sunlight can damage the colours over a period of time. If it goes unnoticed, then bright sunshine can end up cracking the artwork in the adverse scenario. Additionally, it’s not just sunlight which causes harm to the painting as prolonged exposure to high intensity artificial light can also do equal damage, if not more. Any kind of decolouration is very hard to fix and damage done in this manner cannot be rectified. Hence, it is vital to hang the Indian art piece at a spot wherein it doesn’t come in direct contact with sunlight.
  • Moisture is the silent killer:
    Excessive moisture in environment is extremely detrimental for the health of your Indian paintings. This makes it extremely important for you to ensure that the place where you are going to hang the painting has a normal room temperature and is free from any kind of humidity. High level of moisture can create the perfect atmosphere for fungi and this will lead to fungal growth and dark patches to house in your painting. The chances of this damage increase manifolds in case of paper paintings. However, if you can’t escape the humidity in the surroundings, then here are a few steps you can take in order to minimise the damage.
    ­­­- Small patches can be cleaned gently with a small soft-bristled brush or cloth
    – A preventive measure is to apply varnish on the painting as it will protect the artwork from harshness of humidity


  • Dusting is the key:
    With dust comes bacteria and other harmful elements which can harm your precious Indian paintings beyond compare. A good way to keep the dirt and grime away is by dusting your paintings twice every year with soft bristled brush. Gentle cleaning like this can end up increasing the life of painting manifolds. Use a back and forth motion to clean the painting and keep it tilted so that the dust gets rolled down and avoids sticking to the artwork itself. Avoid using any kind of cleaner or water along with the brush as it can end up altering with the colours and composition of the painting. However, if you happen to notice any cracks on the surface, then you must consult an expert in order to avoid any further damage to the artwork.

Traditional Indian paintings were generally made with organic products and methods. This makes it even more important to take proper care in order to block any damages from taking place. These paintings hold a very special place in the world of art, thanks to their striking and vibrant themes. Their worth is extremely high and in order to maintain it aforementioned tips will certainly help.