A Step By Step Guide on how to Buy the Best Health Insurance Plan for Family


“A family that buys health insurance together stays insured together” – the mantra that every person can follow while buying a policy. Buying individual plans for all the members of the family can be an expensive and cumbersome choice. Yes, there are a lot of different options available in the market for every age group but the reason a lot of individuals decide on buying individual plans is that they realise the importance of it one after the other. Some feel health insurance policies are best for senior citizens, while some feel the same for working individuals. However, if one thinks it over thoroughly, the wisest decision is to buy the best health insurance for the family.

Buying a health insurance policy requires a lot of market knowledge and understanding of how the process works. To buy the best health insurance for family, one should take help of the online portals. Many reliable insurance brokers can guide one in making the most beneficial decision. With easy comparison and useful filters, it becomes a convenient task to shortlist the best health insurance for the family. All one has to do is follow a few simple steps to cover his entire family against the skyrocketing prices of medical treatments.

Buying health insurance is the first box one should tick-off on the list on family-care.

#1 Consider the Important Factors about the plans

For buying the best health insurance for family, the first thing you have to do is know what you must seek in the available options. There are so many options available in the market, and every insurer will claim that his policies are the best. However, a wise and rational buyer must always believe facts over words. When one knows what he is looking for, the chances of making the wrong decisions decrease.

Number of Coverages offered under the Plan

With the increasing competition between insurance companies, the number of coverages and options have also hiked up. One should make sure that domiciliary treatment, daycare procedures, ambulance costs, pre and post hospitalization costs, inpatient hospitalization coverages are available with the best health insurance for the family. If one is planning a child soon, it is beneficial to take maternity coverage too.

The flexibility of adding a family floater

The costs of medical treatments are always on the rise. For coping up with the increasing costs, most companies offer the facility to increase the sum insured and add a family floater without making a huge difference in the premiums.

Cashless Claims and Hospitalization

The best health insurance for the family must offer cashless claims and hospitalization facilities, given the fact that senior citizens are likely to require sudden admission to the hospital. With this facility, one does not have to worry about unforeseen events.

Maximum Age Limit for Policy Renewal

While buying the best health insurance for family, one should always make sure that the plan offers a lifetime renewability option. If one ends up buying a policy that has a maximum age limit for renewal, he will face loss in the long run.

Process and Period of Claim Settlement

The claim settlement process is a vital factor of consideration given the cases of insured individuals struggling to claim their money are common. One must also cross-verify the time that the company takes to settle the claim after application.

#2 Shortlist and Compare the Available Options

Now that one has a clear idea of what he must demand in the best health insurance for family, he should shortlist all the plans that justify the criteria. Taking the help of a reliable online insurance broker’s website to do this task is the best choice. Doing the filtration through a manual process can take a lot of time and hiring an agent can be expensive. To save both time and money, online insurance brokers are the best shot!

#3 Select the Most Favorable Option

Visit the website of the most reliable and preferred online broker and compare the shortlisted plans. The efficiency of this step will depend upon the productivity of the website that one chooses. One has to be very careful while choosing the online platform. It is better to read the reviews of all the top brokers and then go with one that has a user-friendly interface and useful filters.

#4 Give Online Application and Purchase

After coming to a decision, one can conveniently apply for the best health insurance for the family online. This step can also be done using the same website. It is not difficult to buy an insurance policy using the online portal. The customer service department of the broker or the insurer will guide on how to proceed with the purchase. The advancement of technology has made buying health insurance policies easier and simpler. One can conduct the entire task through an online portal sitting behind his computer screen. To choose the best one, one must follow the aforementioned steps intently. Get the best medical coverages by choosing the most beneficial plan!