Six karnataka Hc judges Get Died Peril; Criminal Need for 50 lakhs Deposited In Pakistan Bank Account

Six karnataka Hc judges Get Died Peril

In bengaluru the cyber crime cops has registered a case after received a scam message.

As the clock struck 7 pm, the public relations officer, Mr. Muralidhar, sat in his office, organizing paperwork and catching up on emails. Little did he know that this evening held a bizarre twist, as his phone vibrated on the desk, signalling an incoming message. Curiosity piqued, he reached for it, unaware of the gravity of the words he was about to encounter.

The vibrant screen displayed a mysterious notification from WhatsApp. Muralidhar furrowed his brows, his heart fluttering with unease. He reluctantly tapped the notification, unleashing the contents of a menacing message that filled him with dread.

The court’s public relations officer k Muralidhar 

express in his complaint which he has received from the anonymous sender, hidden within the ethereal realm of technology, brazenly insisted upon a sum of Rs 50 lakh as ransom. A most curious condition accompanied this demand – the currency was to be surreptitiously funneled into an account within “ABL Allied Bank Limited,” a mere phantom lurking in the realms of Pakistan.

According to the complaint, Inspector Muralidhar had received a message that had left him feeling both perturbed and resolute. His phone buzzed promptly at 7 pm on July 12, displaying an unknown number. The message revealed a sinister plot, an unimaginable threat to the lives of six revered judges from the Karnataka High Court. Justices Mohammad Nawaz, HT Narendra parsad, Ashok G Nijagannavar, HP Sandesh, K Natarajan and B Veerappa. The send finally told the he is has gang in Dubai and said that he texted from many numbers. 

On that fateful July 14, the Central CEN police found themselves faced with a case 

under information Technology Act section 75 (offence or dispute committed outside Indian) and 66F (cyber terrosim) as well as Indian penal Code section 506 (criminal terrorization, 507 (criminal terrorization) by an unknown communication) and 504 (intentional insult with fixed to provoke breach of the peace). An officer said the police were yet to make any catch.