Pro Tips and Techniques for Better Photos of Your Pets

Pro Tips and Techniques for Better Photos of Your Pets

In most cases, many pet owners consider Pet Photography Brisbane professionals to perfectly capture the nuances but if you think it is time to learn, you should act immediately. You should be prepared though because pet photography is not the easiest thing to master.

Pets are unpredictable, which means they will not necessarily follow all your directions. Getting your subject to participate is quite challenging but if you get it right, the results will be more memorable. To help you get started, here are some professional tips and techniques from Pet Photography Brisbane:

Be patient

This sounds basic but really, you should keep reminding yourself this. Patience can mean the difference between a perfectly timed shoot and a spoiled one. If you patiently wait on the ground with your camera, you will definitely find a photo-worthy moment.


Try to relax

Whether it is your first time or not, you should remember to relax. Remember that pets are like sponges – they will absorb whatever you are feeling. If they feel you are anxious, they will act like it too. Your goal here is to let your pets behave naturally so their personalities can come out.

Use treats and toys

As mentioned, pets will not necessarily follow all your directions because they do not understand posing instructions. To motivate the pet to follow, you should use treats and toys. If your pet is trained to sit and stay, it will be easier t work as long as the treat is there.

If you do not want the pet to sit and stay, the toy can go a long way if you want to engage. When moving, you should set the camera, as you would in sports photography. This will allow you to freeze an attack on the toy or the game of fetch. Endzone camera system is best to capture moves of your pets

Optimise sports photography

It is pretty much challenging to make the pets sit still for minutes. This is when sports photography comes to the picture. When using sports photography, you should remember the following things:

  • Shutter speed: sports photography will allow you to use fast shutter speed. If possible, the shutter speed should be at least 1/250.
  • Burst mode: if you turn on the burst mode, it will allow the camera to take a sequence of fast shots. This can increase the odds of getting a perfectly timed shot.
  • Autofocus mode: you should avoid soft images. This can be done if you use continuous autofocus mode – not single.

Shoot from their level

You should take the picture of your pets from their own perspective. This means you have to shoot from their eye level – not your eye level. If you get down on the pet’s eye level, it will create a more personal portrait because it will bring out highlights and personalities of the pets.  

Take it outside

Light can make or break the shot. With this, you should take your pet outside where natural light is abundant. If this is not possible, you should at least bring the photo session near a doorway or huge window. As much as possible, avoid relying on indoor lighting or house lamps.