Make Your Wish Come True With Cialis 20 mg

cialis tab

Erectile dysfunction has become so common problem among men that every third man can be seen as a victim of it. It may be that you are suffering from it, but doesn’t actually know that it is a health problem that needs treatment. Erectile dysfunction is an erection disorder in men in which they are not able to achieve an erection or if they are able to achieve an erection, then that erection is not hard enough for a successful penetration during sexual activity or if they are able to achieve a hard erection, then they couldn’t maintain it for enough time duration to have a successful sexual intercourse. If this is the case with you, then go for Cialis 20 mg.


Cialis 20 mg is an anti-impotent medication that is used to treat erectile dysfunction. It is to be taken orally with ample amount of water. It is recommended to be consumed atleast one hour before start enjoying your private moments. Try to avoid heavy meal and take light meal while taking this medication. It is to be noted that this medication will work only if you get sexually aroused, which you have to get on your own. This medication doesn’t arouse you sexually.

Side effects

Some unwanted side effects of this medication are severe headache, cold symptoms, upset stomach, diarrhea, indigestion, blurred vision, vomiting sensation, tiredness, sleepiness etc. These after effects are not injurious to health and usually go away after some time. Some rarely experienced after effects of this medication are chest pain, backache, pain in pelvic region, flushing in the face, heart attack symptoms, painful erection, prolonged erection that lasts for more than 4 hours etc. If you experience any of these side effects, then consult with your doctor as early as possible.

Be attentive!

This medications should be taken one hour before your planned intimacy session.

Only one dose of this medication should be taken at a time, in a day and no second dose should be taken before the expiry of 24 hours.

In case, you accidentally take an overdose, then immediately seek medical help.

If you experience painful erection or prolonged erection that lasts for more than 4 hours, then immediately seek medical help.

This medications should be used by newborns, women and teenage males under the age of eighteen years.

Do not use this medication if you are taking any such medications that contain nitrate. If you are not sure, then consult with your doctor.

If you are allergic to any ingredients of this medication, then consult a doctor before start taking this medication.

If you are a heart patient and taking medications for the same, then consult your doctor if it is okay to take anti-impotent medications to treat your erectile dysfunction or not.

Do not take hard drinks while taking this medication.

Do not smoke during the medication period.

Do not take any kind of sedative substances that can affect the brain’s activity while taking this medication.

Do not take this medication if you are already taking medications for depression, blood pressure, heart problems, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV/ AIDS etc.

How to buy medication

You can buy Cialis 40 mg online from Alledmedicine at the best price with the fastest delivery system.