L-Arginine Benefits for Men

L-Arginine Benefits for Men

Arginine is non-essential amino acids; however it can be conditionally essential amino acids, meaning that some people under certain conditions cannot product it enough. In the case of athletes, their intense exercise makes it impossible for the body to catch up with their increased requirement and hence arginine supplement becomes very much important. The active form of arginine is L-arginine which is an L-alpha-amino acid that is the L-isomer of arginine.

Arginine is involved in creatine formation and in the removal of ammonia from the body. Arginine is a crucial part of the nitric oxide pathway and can have an influence on the cardiovascular system through nitric oxide production. It also helps fuel muscle cells and is involved in muscle protein synthesis.

Arginine is a preferred amino acid for bodybuilders

Arginine is used in the body building world because it is a precursor to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a molecule in the body that helps maintain blood vessel tone. Nitric oxide supports blood flow to skeletal muscles, which is why it is often talked about in relation to pre-workout supplements.

When nitric oxide is created by the body, blood vessels expand, allowing more oxygen and nutrient rich blood to surge to cells. Increased blood flow to muscles may support recovery by delivering nutrients to muscles

Arginine is known to support sexual health of men

Erectile dysfunction is a common disorder among matured men. Healthy blood flow to the arteries of the penis is very important for normal erectile dysfunction. Manystudiesare being conducted to understand the effects of L-Arginine on erectile dysfunction.

One of the study done in 1999 found out that 5g of L-arginine taken in the form of supplement for 6 weeks improved sexual health in men with erectile dysfunction. This benefit of Arginine is based on its ability to improve the blood flow and also stimulate the nitric oxide production in the body.

Cardiovascular problems might also be one of the reasons in men for erectile dysfunction. Arginine by stimulating the nitric oxide production in the body and not reaching the harmful levels provides great cardiovascular support.

Arginine supplements may come as a single ingredient or combine with herbs like ginseng, yohimbe etc. to improve its efficacy in dealing with erectile dysfunction.

How safe is it consume L-Arginine in the form supplements?

It is always advisable to take medications or supplements, post consulting the doctor or dieticians. Try to solve the erectile dysfunction problem through natural diet, as sometimes stress and diet can also be one of the major factor.