How to Hire UK Lawyers for Road Accident Claims


If you have been injured in a road traffic accident, then you are legally entitled to compensation, if the accident was not completely your fault, and if the accident happened no more than three years ago. That is because personal injury claims have time limitations to comply with, under the Limitation Act 1980. Under the Act, claims become statute-barred after a period of three years, preventing them from being brought forward.

Providing you meet these basic eligibility criteria, then you will be eligible for compensation, although there must also be somebody to claim with. This will usually be the other side’s insurer, however if the other side was uninsured or is untraced, then you can make a claim for road accidents with the Motor Insurers’ Bureau in the United Kingdom.

Seeking Legal Advice

Whatever the case, it is essential that you seek legal advice as soon as possible, so that you may become better informed about your rights, and where you stand legally.

A lawyer will help you to establish your eligibility for compensation once and for all. They will also be able to provide you with an estimated payout. Initial consultations with lawyers are free, too, so you have nothing to lose by seeking legal advice.

How to Hire a Good Lawyer

Firstly, you should consider the reputation of the law firm. The best-regarded law firms always attract the best lawyers. The law firm you consider should have been operating for several years, and they should have excellent testimonials and reviews.

With regards to the individual lawyer, the lawyer you choose should have relevant case experience, and a high success rate. This means that they should have experience in dealing with cases with similar circumstances to your own, and they should have won a lot more cases than they have lost. A success rate of 80 per cent or more is considered excellent.

How Can I know I Can Trust my Lawyer?

When a claim is processed on a ‘no win, no fee basis, your lawyer will only be paid if they win your case. So immediately, there is an incentive for your lawyer to provide the best legal advice to you and the best possible legal representation. Your lawyer also has their ‘success rate’ to maintain, so winning your road accident claim will be a top priority.

In addition to this, it is important to remember that the legal industry is highly regulated. Any legitimate lawyer that uses dodgy tactics to win a case can be ‘struck off’, preventing them from ever working as a lawyer again. You can also report a lawyer to the SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority), if you believe that they are not following the rule of law.