Even Small and Midsize Value Chains are Adopting Oracle Data Integrator Cloud – Why?


Any supply chain is invariably on the verge of becoming a battlefield, amidst an interplay of activities and sensitive interdependence between business units (BUs). In order to manage interrelated activities and juggle every variable, travel companies, small retail chains, toy manufacturers, lab suppliers and the lot have started relying on cloud integration, which enables real-time visibility and handling of huge volumes of data generated every second.

Cloud integration is also meant to provide better corporate governance by bringing all stakeholders in the supply chain under one roof. It develops good scope for cost-effective technology addition as requirements increase with time.


Oracle cloud and small businesses using integration service providers

The primary challenge for any technology addition is the inability to uphold data integrity, security, and incorporate real-time feeds. In order to do so, organizations are embracing the latest technology trend, Oracle Data Integrator (ODI). It is a bulk data transformation platform, which makes bulk data import, data migration, and data file conversions to common file formats much easier. Any value chain stakeholder, going for cloud conversion from an on-premise platform, needs to have a technology which could perform high-volume batch load operations and manage event-driven scenarios along with a service-oriented architecture with utmost ease.

ODI offers enhanced developer productivity coupled with elevated customer experience. The same uses deeper technology integration, which gives much needed flexibility and performance boost to the integration process, which in turn leads to cost reduction in terms of expensive man-days, and high-end hardware and middleware requirements. The entire implementation process can be monitored from a single solution application, giving greater control over the proceedings.

Interface and architecture

Business intelligence systems demand a visual-management approach to measure ongoing progress in the implementation of any project. Oracle data integrator is known for its robust graphical environment, on which data integration process can be built and managed effectively.

Moreover, the technology has a service oriented architecture (SOA), which gives extra leverage to developers for defining complex business processes out of small jobs or services. The best thing about the same is flexibility to evolve as per requirements, thus nullifying the need for replacing the old system, hence saving valuable mullah.

IT upgrades

Supply chains demand clarity in operations and the same can only be possible with the use of proper technology. In today’s complex scenario, supply chains can only run smoothly, if organizations migrate from their legacy systems to cloud-based applications. In order to do that, apparently, organizations need to discard their old legacy system and replace it with a new one. However, that is where Oracle data integrator is a boon for supply chains. It allows flexibility of keeping the legacy system and upgrade or build on the same without much fuss. The technology accepts common file formats, which can be run in any system configuration and also set up bulk data load from multiple sources. The implementation life cycle becomes shorter, thus reducing the cost considerably.

System security and monitoring becomes a formidable force when you have an Oracle-developed product in place. However, with partner companies making the implementation for businesses, it is important to know if your ODI is covering real-time data, all relevant feeds, and sharing them with adequate security in terms of user authentication. CIOs approach this problem rather uniquely. They look out for events on data integration and companies which are promulgating the approach rather than a product. Some Kinaxis and SAP service providers also implement ODI cloud and are recognized for their neutral position on what is the most suitable technology for small and midsize value chains.