Capture just the right look with the just right photographer

modelling photographer

Are you interested in joining the fashion industry? Do you really want to give your modelling career a truly professional start? Well, for starters you have to make sure that you get your portfolio done. Some of you less familiar with the industry might be wondering what a portfolio is. Well, it is basically like your passport. You need it to travel to another country but without Visa permission you cannot. Similarly you need to have the portfolio ready to approach the designers and agents but that does not guarantee that you will get the job. The portfolio will of course work to your advantage.

It is crucial for you to remember that you need this portfolio more than anybody else and hence you have to select a photographer to take the shots, whom you will do justice not just to your looks but to your personality as well. Wondering how to select who is the right one for you? Well, here are a few points that you need to keep in mind when selecting a photographer for your portfolio. There is no dearth of modelling photographers in Delhi but the trick is to find the one best suited to your needs.

  • Haste makes waste: Do not rush through the process of selecting your photographer. Go through as many samples of as many photographers you can. There are online sites where you can sign up as well with your requirements where samples of various registered portfolio photographers are displayed. Go carefully through the samples and then decide, who the one is, whom you want to go with.
  • Decide what you want: Be clear about what exactly do you want from your portfolio photos. Talk it out with your photographer and decide upon whether you want to keep it casual or would you like to have a theme. Give the photographer an idea about your personality and that will help her/him to take your shots accordingly.
  • Run a background check: Sometimes it so happens that we see samples, love them, contact the photographer and book him, but the results turn up to be completely different than anticipated. To avoid such a mishap, do not forget to run a background check on the person you are planning to hire, because all that is out there is not always genuine and not everyone is true their professional commitment. This is a filtering method, which you must apply when choosing your photographer.
  • Talk about the money: Before you move ahead with the shoot, decide upon the sum of money. Get a total estimated cost about the entire photo shoot, including makeup. If the photographer is a professional one, they will have an idea about it. Openly discuss your budget with your photographer and fix upon something that suits you both. Always be prepared that you would have to make a deposit of some amount before the shoot. Manage your money accordingly.

These are the four cardinal rules that you need to follow before deciding upon a photographer for your portfolio. This is the first crucial step for your modelling career, so choose wisely!