Burial Vaults: Which Should You Choose for Your Loved One?

Burial Vaults: Which Should You Choose for Your Loved One?

A loved one’s death is physically, emotionally and financially draining. Still, one of the critical elements that will prove quite challenging is the planning of a funeral befitting your loved one’s memory. The preparation involves a choice of multiple components that work together to guarantee a proper send-off and the best preservation of your loved one’s remains. One of the often-overlooked aspects after choosing a casket and a cemetery plot in Salt Lake City is the burial vault.

Burial vaults, also called grave liners, are sealed outer receptacles that house the casket. By covering the casket, the vault protects it from the weight of heavy equipment and the earth around it which may crush it. The vault also protects the casket from underground water, which may cause its fast disintegration, and keeps the cemetery ground from settling. The rules concerning the types and styles of vaults allowed in cemeteries differ among states and private cemeteries. The following are the common types of burial vaults used in most cemeteries:

Concrete Vaults

These are constructed using reinforced concrete, and they are available in a variety of finishes to suit different styles. Most have metal wrapped interiors and tops, natural stone finishes, and wood grain decorations. They will typically weigh at least 2,000 pounds. Thus, you should have a provision for their transportation and placement into the grave. A few concrete liners have added precious metals in their composition and can be a bit costly compared to other concrete burial vaults. Concrete vaults are generally the basic ones required in most cemeteries.

Metal Vaults

These are generally made of high-strength stainless steel combined with a thermoplastic material for their additional inner protection. Metal vaults usually feature a double reinforcement that protects the casket within from the heavy soil, cemetery machinery, and subsoil elements. Some metal vaults have additional treatments to boost their durability and performance, such as galvanizing, which might make them a bit more expensive.

Lined Vaults

These are used for those looking for an almost permanent protection for the casket. Lined vaults are made of concrete and have a range of liner materials on their interior, including bronze, copper, and ABS plastic. These lining materials will boost the protection of the casket against foreign elements and water, making them ideal for places with high water tables.

“Oxymoron” Vaults

This is meant for those whose faith demands the burial of a deceased’s remains in the earth, like the Jewish. Since concrete, which is used in most vaults, does not meet the obligations of ground burial, oxymoron vaults contain minimum concrete and have no bottom. The concrete only protects the grave’s sides and top to keep it from sinking with the disintegration of the casket.

The types of vaults mentioned above can be further personalized with the addition of emblems and inscriptions. Since picking a suitable vault is no easy feat, you can leave this and the other tasks of planning a funeral to a capable funeral home. This way, you have enough time to mourn your loved one. You are also guaranteed that the funeral will be seamless and that you will get good discounts on various elements.