Bake fresh cream pineapple cake with easy steps

cake shops in Jaipur

Baking cakes at the home is no more a tough or time-consuming task, as there are present numerous appliances and plenty of useful tips and suggestions on the web to follow. Although there are different types of cakes baked at the home, the one that is quite popular is the cream pineapple cake.

Steps to follow to bake fresh, delicious cream pineapple cake

  • Take a nice baking tin. Coat it using granulated sugar or all-purpose flour. Greasing and flouring the tin should be the first step. If silicone cake pans or non-stick baking tin is being used, then this step can be skipped out.
  • Next, take a mixing bowl of medium size. Take eggs and beat one by one. Add other ingredients slowly like vanilla, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Using an electric whisk, blend the above ingredients properly to create lump-free and free-flowing consistency. Measure the ingredients carefully and ensure following appropriate temperatures for the ingredients.
  • Now take rubber spatula. Use mild opening or light cutting to fold flour of one tbsp. The fold is to be created with downward, outward and upward strokes. Then add the batter’s remaining portion into cake baking tin in a similar manner. There are available different types of spatulas. Choose the one that is perfect for the occasion.
  • Then preheat oven to about 375 – 400 degree Fahrenheit. Bake cake batter for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Check oven temperature by using a thermometer. Place cake tin having batter in it. To check if the baking process has completed, insert a toothpick at the cake’s center.
  • Once it is baked fully and properly, allows it to cool down completely. Then take pineapple syrup of about 100 ml and pour it over the cake’s base area. Sandwich this using whipped cream. Place freshly cut and sliced pineapples. Repeat this step for the other cake layers. Cover the cake’s final layer using pineapple syrup and then cream it all over. Birthday Party Planners in Noida
  • Use freshly sliced pineapple pieces to decorate the cake. It is now ready to be served to everyone chilled.

The pineapple cake when properly baked and decorated will not only appear beautiful but also be found tasty and delicious. Baking cakes at the home is indeed a great way to retain useful nutritious properties found in the ingredients and also be hygienic. It will also show the culinary skills of the person and the efforts be appreciated by everyone taking a bite of this cake.

But those who do not know how to bake cakes have much time or simply not interested to bake a cake at home can always resort to ordering cakes from the cake shops in Jaipur and online portals. They can order the standard cakes readily available at the online stores or even customize a cake with great combinations and match the theme of the occasion. There are present reputed portals that do allow customization of cakes and offers at fabulous prices much to the delight of the shoppers.