5 Benefits of Event Marketing for Your Small Business


Forming an image of success for the business happens to be a smart way for any small business to win over an enhanced number of customers. People are contented doing business with firms they trust to meet their expectations.

Being involved in events from the art exhibitions to the charity fundraisers or sporting competitions can be a great way for small businesses for raising the profile and stand out of the crowd.

If you are ready to stir things up and bring in the new customers to the local business, there is no better way than hosting an event.

Whether you are launching a new service or product or holding a grand reopening, hosting a charity event or having a storewide sale – hosting a successful event can enhance your brand visibility to a great extent.

Here are some benefits to be reaped from hosting an event for your small business. Just read on.

  • Get Brand Exposures and Mentions – A properly marketed even can attract lots of media attention especially if it is related to charity. Pay close attention to the other local events and find out which media representatives are attending and promoting them. You should get the names and the contact information for the event. The bigger and more unusual the event the better will be the media coverage. So try to come up with an event that will help to make it stand out from the crowd. All of the marketing efforts you put towards the event will also benefit your brand in more ways than one as even who could not attend will remember the promotion and stop by to checkout your business.
  • Foster Connections – Events happen to be a great way for home-based business to connect with customers, vendors or strategic partners. You can meet with all these people one-on-one during the workweek but hosting a group of people in a relaxed setting lets you play a different role and build friendly feelings that will strengthen the bonds and increase the loyalty in your group. It is a great idea to know the goals of your event and focus on one group, but you can also have secondary goals. For example, your event can be intended to honour the customers, introduce your business to new customers or thank the staff and your planning will focus on the goal but by inviting the vendors you will strengthen those relationships, too.
  • Change Consumer Perception – Only some people are motivated to checkout a store that has sports and eternal shabby or empty look. It is for this reason that the online shoppers avoid the ecommerce sites that have no branding, business details or security certificates. The public perception is capable or making or breaking any business. Customers form optimistic opinions when the business is associated with high-profile events. Customers will assume the business is reputed and reliable. Research reveals that over 74 percent of the consumers tend to purchase products after a branded event exposure. So take advantage of events as you grow the reputation of your business.
  • Reach the Target Audience – If your event is centred on a particular service or product then those who attend will be the potential customers who are particularly interested in that product or service. For instance, if yours is a baby product shop that specialises in baby clothing and you put on demos where people can see the products and ask questions then you will attract anyone within the 40-mile radius who will be interested in getting those baby products. By tailoring the event for the customer types that you want to attract, you will be able to get your desired demography.
  • Trigger Lead Generation – Lead generation happens to be another benefit that event marketing brings with it. People find it easier to connect and keep in mind the sensory experiences. Participating in the physical event happens to be a fantastic opportunity for generating leads. Nevertheless, you need to offer an experience that the customers are likely to remember and engage with.

The above are some of the major benefits that event marketing can offer for your small business. The experts of reputed event company suggest the above so that any small business can be able to create their own niche in the industry.