About US

ABCR news is an online news platform, which provides the latest news in English on various spheres of day to day life, such as politics, health, lifestyle, education, sports, local, business and entertainment. The website was founded by Rahul Sharma in 2015, with a vision of providing latest and accurate information on the important issues. It is a platform created for dissemination of information and to develop a discourse around the topics that matters.

We at the ABCR family work for bringing the content, which matters the most to you, from India and worldwide. We believe in accuracy and credibility. Our team is constantly working in order to provide the most relevant and latest information to our readers. In this fast paced world, where in every second you are bombarded with new information. It is important to pick out the most relevant information for your benefit and here at ABCR we are working to keep you updated every day.

Being a digital media platform we understand our responsibilities and credibility to our readers. Now with its main branch in Noida, the platform is planning to expand the reach by starting a news channel and a newspaper of its own. To turn this dream into reality, our efforts and vision will play a vital role but what keeps us going is the support of our readers. So for latest and credible news and to stay updated, stay connected with us on this platform and keep supporting.

Katy Barry


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Jane Cromwell


Jane started this business after being herself a member of the biggest spa studios in the country. She just makes everything work

Mary Thomas


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