How to Master the Art of Essay Writing in UPSC Examination?


Mastering the art of writing essay type answers is the backbone of UPSC examination. There are many candidates who have an in-depth knowledge of the subject but lack of answer writing skills. In order to fetch good marks in UPSC examination, it is important to answer in a logical and rational manner. Below few points are mentioned which can help you to answer effectively in the UPSC examination.

Compile Important Points

One of the most important things for writing an essay type answer is to compile and keep all the points ready. Focus on the two aspects of writing an essay type answer. The first thing is to recollect and organize all the points in your mind and second is the perfect execution of the thoughts. When you have all the important points, it becomes easy to pin down an effective answer. The points need to be mentioned in a proper order so that the examiner finds it easy to evaluate the answer. This will, in turn, help a student receive high marks. Frame a compelling strategy for writing the essay type answer.

Frame a Time Schedule

Since there is a specific time allotted to the examination, it is important to set a particular time frame for each question. Time management is the vital key to writing a perfect answer. Generally, it happens that students spend most of their time in answering the initial answers and hence, not enough time is left for the later questions. Aspirants should avoid this as they may lose marks owing to this strategy. Give appropriate time to each question because every question has its own value. Sticking to the time schedule is essential so that you can give justice to every question asked in the paper. Students must remember that attempting each question properly can fetch them more marks, thus increasing their chance of qualifying the examination.


Evaluate the Question

Evaluate the questions properly before you start writing the answers. A detailed explanation is required for the essay type answers. Students can even join civil service mains test series to practice writing essay type answers. Don’t write everything you know about the question. Write what is required for a good answer based on what the question requires in an organized manner. Start with a proper introduction, followed by the important points defining the importance and limitations of the topic asked in the question. The answer must be centralized as the question asked in the UPSC examination. So, the aspirants must assess and examine the question properly before answering the question.

Avoid Being Personal

Don’t get personal while writing the essay type answers. Avoid mentioning the individual name. For example, while answering an answer related to foreign policy, avoid mentioning about the scandals and achievements of the politician. Try to give a balanced answer incorporating all the important points in the answers. Getting personal about a particular individual can create a negative impact on the examiner. Write the answer in the context of the question asked in the examination.

Interlink the Answer

Since students are preparing for the civil services exam are well versed in most subjects, they have the opportunity to interlink the events from other subjects. Answer linking can help you fetch good marks as it creates a good impression in the mind of the examiner. Giving examples from different perspective adds weight to your answer helping you to get better marks. Incorporate key terms you have come across in the books or newspaper for writing good answers.

Practice is the Key

Practice is the most important key to master the art of writing the answer in the examination. The more you practice, the more you understand the technique of writing answers. Therefore, plan your studies, revise properly and practice answer writing to qualify the UPSC mains exam. Practice writing answers to the questions asked in the previous years. Revise the question to assimilate the important points which you can incorporate into the answer. Joining a test series or essay programme at good institutes like Vajiram and Ravi will help students.

Mastering the art of writing the essay type answer in the USPC examination is important to come out with flying colors. Practice answer writing to learn the perfect technique of answering the question. If you are still struggling with academic writing, get in touch with and buy a custom essay at an affordable cost.