Buzz Words for Healthy Foods, Good or Nonsense?


Every time we go to the grocery store we are advertising tricks. For example, we can see some convincing words like all natural, a good source of vitamins, natural ingredients, healthy, organic, without antibiotics, hormones, cage-free, ciclo trenbolone e winstrol, etc. These words are catchers of attention to consumers to believe they are getting something big, healthy and nutritious, but is it really that we get something good ourselves? What do all these words really mean?

  • Natural – means that the product does not contain any synthetic or artificial ingredients.
  • Healthy – means the product has limited fat, cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium and contains at least vitamins and minerals requirements or other good nutrients. Although healthy sounds good, the product may still contain fat, sodium, calories and if you eat other healthy products on a given day, you can get an excess of fat and calories.
  • Free hen cage – can move freely, but can still be the same in battery cages. For example:
  • Chickens are mainly purchased from hatcheries where men die immediately after hatching.

Peaks burn.

Chickens are not allowed to live a long life; Are sacrificed 2 years of age or less. On the way to the slaughterhouse, chickens are not provided with food or water, even if the facility is at a considerable distance.

  • Hormones are genetically drug growth that makes animals grow faster, larger and produce more milk in many cases. It is injected into animals such as cows or increased feed. Cows in the 1950s produced 5,000 pounds of milk and now produce more than 18,000 pounds a year. Hormones referred to as rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) is connected to a painful inflammation of the udder inflammation of the udder, deformed calves, hoof diseases, open sores and deadly internal bleeding. Synthetic hormones zeranol, trenbolone, and melengestrol are used. Zeranol and ciclo trenbolone e winstrol melengestrol administered by injection and administered through the animals are fed. All these hormones are believed to be associated with cancer by European studies. The United States and Canada continue to use hormones, but Europe does not allow the use of the hormone and does not allow the importation of beef from other countries that use it. In other studies, they indicate that hormones cause young women to mature earlier, which increases the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
  • Antibiotics are medicines used for udder infections in cows caused. Excessive use of antibiotics can cause cows to enter non-resistant bacteria.
  • Organic – means food that is grown or produced in certain USDA guidelines. Organic does not mean that food is better and contains more nutrients such as ice cream can be organic and still contains a lot of fat.

The FDA states that all the different chemicals used for breeding livestock or crops are good for us, but if we eat products that contain these hormones and antibiotics, there has to be some long-term damage. If these products are causing problems in cows and make them grow faster and greater, maybe these hormones make our question obesity and other health problems. Contaminate our bodies with synthetic chemicals that do not make any sense to me.

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