5 Ways to Boost Productivity at the Workplace


Employees are the most important asset for a business. They have infinite potential to contribute towards the growth and success of a business. And, the reverse is also true. Studies have found that motivation and productivity are related. The more motivated employees and team members are, the more effort and productive time they apply to their jobs. In his book, Morris Viteles points out that motivation is the initial stage in getting individuals to cooperate (Motivation and Morale in Industry, 1953).

Motivational Strategies to Improve Productivity at the Workplace

There are different strategies that you can put in place to enhance the productivity of your team:

  1. Motivation through Material Rewards. This is a commonly used strategy. It includes providing attractive salaries, health and insurance benefits, vacation and sick pay, and earned bonuses. However, the motivation provided by material rewards is the weakest. Do not rely on this alone.
  2. Motivation through Tactical Means. Provide concrete and strategic ways for employees to shine. Provide ways for your team to train, achieve promotions, develop new skills. Have a system in place to regularly recognize their efforts. This promotes positive attitudes and encourages each person to do their best. Studies show that positive mood stimulates creativity, tolerance, constructive behavior, and generosity. All these qualities help achieve business goals.
  3. Motivation through Building Leadership. As the owner, you need a clear vision of where you want to take your business. It’s your job to identify new opportunities and inspire your employees to chase them. You can empower your team (and share the load) by providing leadership opportunities. Getting your team to inspire and motivate each other keeps them focused and engaged on your business goals.
  4. Motivation through Creating Healthy Workplace Cultures. A healthy workplace environment is where the employer, the staff, the teams and the managers have cordial professional relationships. Such a positive environment motivates people and promotes loyalty. Conversely, anything that negatively impacts working relationships also adversely affects workflow.
  5. Motivation through Good Management. People don’t do what is expected, they do what is inspected. Thus, your business needs a well-designed and implemented management system. Make sure the systems are adaptable to a growing business and take advantage of changing technology.